Next open Strategic Partnership selected in 2026
The Strategic Partnership is a two-year grant to an organisation working to support preventative mental wellbeing at the systems change level within South Australia. The grant provides $100,000/ year of unrestricted funding to support and strengthen the organisation’s systems change and advocacy work.
Our hope is that through our Strategic Partnership we will:
Provide resources to support organisations to have additional capacity to invest in their systems change and advocacy efforts.
Deepen our relationship with organisation to continue an exchange of shared learning, support and opportunities to contribute and influence for systems change.
The Strategic Partnership grant builds on the Foundation’s existing partnerships and relationships with organisations that are aligned in terms of intention, principles, and ways of working and where there is potential additional benefit to influence each others' practice.
The Foundation invites a new strategic partnership every two years. The opportunity is explored with all of our aligned existing partners and networks, and the selection decision is informed by our Theory of Change and priorities and momentum within the sector. If you haven’t engaged with the Foundation before but are interested in learning more about this grant and partnership, please reach out for a conversation.
As South Australia's peak advocacy body, the Multicultural Communities Council of South Australia (MCCSA) brings 50 years of dedicated service supporting culturally and linguistically diverse communities. Through its commitment to creating an equitable and thriving multicultural society, MCCSA empowers diverse communities to shape South Australia's economic, political, social, and cultural landscape. With a foundation built on respect, collaboration, integrity, innovation, inclusion and responsiveness, the organisation proudly represents more than 120 ethnic communities. As multicultural diversity becomes the new mainstream in South Australia, the work of MCCSA - especially in supporting community capability and promoting health, connection, and wellbeing - is more vital than ever.
Our partnership with MCCSA began through their Discovery work on the Men’s Mental Health Connectors program, which partnered with four multicultural men's groups to explore mental health and wellbeing within their own community contexts. This collaboration deepened our shared understanding of the need for community-led approaches to support diverse communities and contributed to a clearer articulation for MCCSA of the protective factors that contribute to wellbeing in diverse cultures. For a deeper insight into these themes and learnings, their program video can be accessed here.
Those closest to the issues hold the most effective solutions, and by trusting them, we can build healthier, stronger, and more connected communities.
The partnership will focus on three key areas for change:
Creating spaces for community connection that foster wellbeing and provide pathways for preventative mental health approaches.
Enhancing inclusivity and accessibility, ensuring systems and services meet the needs of our diverse community.
Advocating for more flexible and sustainable funding to support long-term, proactive approaches rather than short-term crisis responses.
By working together, we hope to contribute to a healthier, more inclusive future with the community at its heart.
The Lived Experience Leadership and Advocacy Network (LELAN) are the peak body for mental health lived experience in South Australia. Their purpose is to amplify the voice, influence and leadership of people with lived experience to drive change.
They do this vitally important work through linking people with lived experience to advocacy and representative opportunities and by bringing people with lived experience together to create an advocacy platform for collective systemic impact.
Through their own work they hold space, where lived experience is at the heart of their work, and support people to develop skills, gain knowledge and share their experiences.
Roadmap for Activating Lived Experience Leadership