Focus Areas
Focus Areas

We pursue our vision of a South Australia where communities work together to build inclusive and equitable healthy futures through three main focus areas: Mental Health & Wellbeing, First Nations-led Health Funding and Practice & Collaboration. To understand more about how our focus areas link to our strategy check out our Theory of Change.

We were established with a broad remit to support the health and wellbeing of the South Australian community and we pursue this through three main focus areas.

Mental Health & Wellbeing

We adopt a holistic approach to mental health that is strength-based and focusses on wellbeing. We want to centre prevention by building individual and community capability to support each other, in turn building better mental health and wellbeing for the South Australian community.

First Nations Led Health Funding

We are working alongside Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations (ACCHOs) across South Australia to engage community in determining a funding model where Aboriginal people make the decisions over how philanthropic funding into health and wellbeing across our state is spent.

Practice & Collaboration

In all our partnerships, we take a process over outcomes approach, investing in time, relationships, and thoughtful ways of working to create meaningful change with and for the community. Through our Practice & Collaboration focus area, we aim to help develop the conditions needed to shift complex social challenges and support collaborative efforts already making a difference.

Our Grants
Our mental health and wellbeing grants are designed to support preventative, community-based responses that support mental wellbeing.
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©Fay Fuller Foundation
We acknowledge the Kaurna people of the Adelaide Plains and the traditional custodians and owners of the lands on which we work and live across Australia. We pay our respects to Elders of the past, present and into the future. We are committed to collaboration that furthers self-determination, as we go forward, we will continue to listen, learn, and be allies for a healing future.